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2021 KARC Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:56pm on May 6, 2021.


  1. Motion by Myles Bruns, VE7FSR that due to the increasing operating costs of maintaining and improving the Club's infrastructure, the cost of RAC affiliation for non-RAC members, and increasing insurance costs, that the annual membership fees be increased from $30 to $40, effective September 2021.  The fee for each additional family member at the same address would increase to $20, effective September 2021.
  • Seconded by Lee Woldanski, VE7FET.
  • Passed unanimously.
  1. Motion by Myles Bruns, VE7FSR, that in recognition of and appreciation for his many years of service to the club, that Vern Gollmar, VE7VGO, be granted a Life Membership.
  • Seconded by Dwight Morrow, VE7BV.
  • Passed unanimously.
  1. Motion by Myles Bruns, VE7FSR, that a new policy be created whereby any new member who joins the KARC within three months of a new membership year (memberships are renewed annually in September) will have their membership fee carried forward and will not have to renew again until the following year.  
  • Seconded by Jordan Mohle, VE7OSX.
  • Passed unanimously.

Chuck Hays, VE7PJR, was recognized for his service to the club as our Net Control station for the Tuesday and Wednesday evening 2M nets.  Chuck was presented with a plaque as a gesture of our appreciation for his many hundreds of hours of volunteer time.  Thank you, Chuck!

All Officers were elected by acclamation.  The Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting shall take office on the first day of July following the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the last day of June the following year. 

The new Officers for 2021/2022 are:

President, Myles Bruns, VE7FSR
Vice-President, Dave Facey, VE7LTW
Secretary, Adam Clark, VA7AQD
Treasurer, Jordan Mohle, VE7OSX
Directors: Jim McNaught, VE7JMN; Ralph Adams, VA7VZA; Bill Erlenbach, VE7EAF

The KARC would like to thank Kevin Skrepnek, VE7YKA, and Andrew Sutherland, VA7HDT, for their service as Directors over the last year.

Motion to adjourn by Jordan, VE7OSX