Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

Next club meeting is not a regular meeting!

Hello all,

Just a quick reminder that we will be having our annual pot luck dinner on Friday Dec. 5 in the basement of the church. Doors will be open at 17:30 and dinner will be about 18:00.

See you there!


KARC Meeting next Thursday!

Hello all,

Our upcoming meeting will be our annual swap & shop, and will be held at Cate Reid's house, 1336 Sunshine Court up in Dufferin, 7:30pm. Bring along anything you would like to swap or sell and some jingle in you jeans encase you see something that you just have to have.

This announcement completely plagiarized from Bill!


KARC Website new features - Swap & Shop and club member files

Hello all,

A week ago on the KARC 2M net I announced that our website had a couple of new features.

First, for everyone, there is a Swap & Shop section. If you are not a KARC member, please drop us an email to karc@karc.ca if you would like to post something to sell or are looking out for something.

If you are a KARC member, though, you can post selling or wanted ads as long as you're logged in to the website.

Another feature for the club members when logged in to the site is access to the club files section, where we will keep club meeting minutes and various other bits & pieces that we figure are worthwhile to have around as club resources.

For KARC members, if you haven't yet done so, please register an account on the website - the login parts are at the bottom of the left sidebar. Follow the instructions on the pages that come up and we'll have your account approved & setup in no time.

Thanks all, enjoy and 73!


VE7RKA is back on the air

Myles VE7FSR and his buddy Rolf went up to Greenstone today and swapped out the TX radio on the repeater. The new radio is up and running at just over 20 watts.

Thanks to Myles & co. for getting it back on the air!

Have a look at the replacement TX radio here.

APRS Presentation open to all at Oct. 2nd club meeting

Myles (VE7FSR) will be presenting information on APRS, the Automatic Packet Reporting System, an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area.

He will be bringing several examples of gear commonly used for APRS digipeaters and trackers, and will also show how APRS can be used with Android smartphones or tablets and at home in the ham shack. To get an idea of stations active in APRS in the Kamloops area, check out this link: http://aprs.fi/#!addr=kamloops.

For more information on APRS, see the links below:


This presentation will take place following a very short meeting of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club, 7:30 PM, Thursday Oct. 2 at St. George’s Anglican Church, 308 Royal Ave., in the small building to the East of the church.

If you or anyone you know are interested in APRS please plan to attend. All are more than welcome.

Club meeting on Thursday

Hi all,

After a summer's relaxation (we can pretend, right?) it's time to get the club rolling again. The next meeting will be this Thursday the 4th at the usual place and time.

Don't forget that the annual dues are due at the do!

Look forward to seeing you there,


Field Day 2014

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will again be set up for this year's public demonstration of emergency communications!

Field Day is coming up soon, June 27-29! Attached to this post is our schedule, which is generally pretty flexible other than the operating times which are set by the ARRL.

The location is the Philip ranch at 5380 Jackson Rd. in Knutsford. Driving directions from the Aberdeen Mall can be found right here. For the hams reading this, there is plenty of room for camping or RV parking if you wish to spend the night and operate the midnight shift!

We look forward to seeing you there, and if you have any questions or concerns, please drop us a line.

On behalf of the club,

Club meeting for June is this Thursday!

Hello all,

The last KARC club meeting before the summer break will be this Thursday, 7:30pm at St. George's church. There are some items we need to complete from the AGM last month, then we'll be on to the fun stuff of making the final arrangements for Field Day.

From Bill VE7WWW's email

April meeting is this Thursday!

Hi all,

Just a quick note to remind everyone of the monthly meeting coming up this Thursday evening. Usual time & place, and we look forward to seeing you there!


Meeting this thursday!

Hi all,

A very quick note that our monthly meeting is this Thursday the 6th of February at the usual time & location.

Hope it's a good one!



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