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KARC Website new features - Swap & Shop and club member files

Hello all,

A week ago on the KARC 2M net I announced that our website had a couple of new features.

First, for everyone, there is a Swap & Shop section. If you are not a KARC member, please drop us an email to if you would like to post something to sell or are looking out for something.

If you are a KARC member, though, you can post selling or wanted ads as long as you're logged in to the website.

Another feature for the club members when logged in to the site is access to the club files section, where we will keep club meeting minutes and various other bits & pieces that we figure are worthwhile to have around as club resources.

For KARC members, if you haven't yet done so, please register an account on the website - the login parts are at the bottom of the left sidebar. Follow the instructions on the pages that come up and we'll have your account approved & setup in no time.

Thanks all, enjoy and 73!
