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The KARC 2M Net is held every Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM PST and is conducted on the VE7RLO, VE7IRN, and VE7LGN linked repeater network, enabling members from all over the TNRD region to check in. Net Control is Stuart Gale, VE7OMT, and the KARC welcomes your check ins.  The Net Control Script is located here: Net Script

The Southern Interior Preparedness Net is held every Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM PST on the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club's VE7RLO (147.320+) Kamloops, VE7LGN (147.100+) Logan Lake, and VE7IRN (146.660-) Merritt repeaters.  The Preparedness Net is also linked to the SIRG Network, allowing check-ins from all over the southern interior.  Net Control is Bob Callaghan, VA7BKN, and he welcomes your participation.  Net Roster

Every morning (except Saturday and Sunday) the club's VE7RLO UHF (442.525+ PL100), VE7RLO VHF (147.320+), VE7LGN (147.100+) and VE7IRN (146.660-) repeaters automatically connect to the Rainbow Country Net which starts at 08:30 AM PST (with early check-ins at 8:00 AM) -- this is one of the most popular nets in BC and is a lot of fun!

The club's VE7RLO UHF (442.525+ PL100), VE7RLO VHF (147.320+), VE7LGN (147.100+) and VE7IRN (146.660-) repeaters automatically connect to The Official Raspberry Pi Net every Sunday from 2-3PM PST on Allstar nodes 2585.  Join John, W2JLD to talk about Raspberry Pi, Linux, Allstar, supermon, programming, and everything Raspberry Pi.

The club's VE7RLO UHF (442.525+ PL100), VE7RLO VHF (147.320+), VE7LGN (147.100+) and VE7IRN (146.660-) repeaters automatically connect to the Absolute Tech Net every Tuesday at 4-6PM PST on Allstar nodes 52879 and 52782.  The Absolute Tech Net is a technology net for ham radio operators and others that covers a broad spectrum of technology but, not limited to ham radio devices or applications. New and neat-old technology will be covered.  See their "Upcoming Page" for program(s) info. 

The CQ Canada Fusion Net is held every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM PST on the club's VE7FUS Fusion (C4FM) repeater (448.525-) on Coach Hills.

Every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM PST the club's the club's VE7RLO UHF (442.525+ PL100), VE7RLO VHF (147.320+), VE7LGN (147.100+) and VE7IRN (146.660-) repeaters are automatically connected to the Trans-Canada AllStar Net on the Canada Hub.  Check-ins from across Canada are prioritized and the net control operators also welcome check-ins from around the world -- this is a very popular net and each week there is a unique question or topic to spur discussion.


The Shuswap Amateur Radio Club and the Shuswap Seniors Amateur Radio Club hold a combined weekly net every Sunday at 8PM PST on 146.760- and this net can be heard throughout much of the Kamloops area.

NORAC (Vernon) has a 2M Net on Sunday morning on the Silver Star repeater (146.880-) at 10:00 AM PST and it can be heard from some locations in Kamloops.

The British Columbia Public Service Net operates on 3729 KHz at 01:30 GMT every day.