Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

Important Meeting - March 6th, 2025

The vote we will have on Thursday is very important and will determine the future of the repeater network and how it is funded. Please please read the documents that all paid members should have received by email, consider the information, and then vote.

There are three ways to vote: you may attend the meeting in person, join the meeting online, or vote by proxy. In the club bylaws it states that proxy votes must be submitted to the secretary (Brock VA7AV secretary@karc.ca). In order for your proxy vote to be counted, you must answer 'yes' or 'no' to both options for both questions: for example your votes could be "A1, B2". Note that simply asking the secretary to vote on your behalf will not be counted. You must specify which options you are voting for. Note that only paid members of KARC are eligible to vote, if you received this email, you are on the membership list. If you have any questions, please contact me or Brock.

Ralph Adams VA7VZA


The meeting will be held at Kirsten's Hideout Cafe, the same place we have our weekly club breakfast every Saturday. The address is 1390 Columbia Street. The restaurant is located in the Canada's Best Value Inn. It is just before where Columbia and Battle Streets join. If you have trouble finding it, you can call Ralph VA7VZA at 250-319-5925.

To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/eav-nkoh-taq

To join by phone instead, dial (CA) +1 647-733-6334 and enter this PIN: 134 501 280#

More phone numbers: https://https%3A//tel.meet/eav-nkoh-taq?pin=3565783207251


Important Meeting - Thursday February 20, 2025


Our next meeting this coming Thursday, February 20th (7 PM, Kirsten's Hideout) is an important one!  

The KARC board has been informed that the repeater network, as we've come to know it, is expected to require significant expenditures to maintain reliable operation.  As KARC revenues are very modest, our expenditures are always limited by the reality of our bank account.  The dollars we spend for Field Day, for example, can't also be spent on repeaters.  And vice versa.  So the membership will soon be asked to provide the preferred direction(s) and priorities for the club, which will in turn determine how club funds are allocated.

The coming meeting is important, as those involved with the upkeep of the repeater network will be providing us with a presentation of how it all works.  We anticipate discussion following the presentation to answer questions and clarify details.

The executive intends to seek direction from the membership at the March meeting.  It follows that for the membership to make informed decisions, a good turnout for this week's meeting will be necessary to ensure that the membership fully understands the repeater system and associated costs.  Similarly, a good turnout in March will also be needed to accurately reflect the will of the membership.

In short, we're at a point where longer term decisions must soon be made to map our path in the coming years.  It's YOUR club, so we ask that you take the time to join us, either in person or online on Thursday, to familiarize yourself with the coming decisions.

Meeting link for online participation is as follows:

To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/khd-nrvc-mjt

To join by phone instead, dial (CA) +1 705-419-7255 and enter this PIN: 456 570 644#

More phone numbers: https://https%3A//tel.meet/khd-nrvc-mjt?pin=9233921902995

General Meeting November 7, 2024

Please attend the November meeting, this Thursday (November 7th) at 7 PM at Kirsten's Hideout.  Meeting agenda is attached.

Also, a reminder for all those who have not yet paid their 2024/2025 dues - instructions can be found on the club website at https://karc.ca/become_a_KARC_member

If you cannot attend the meeting in person, please use the following link to attend virtually.


73 and hope to see you on Thursday.

Christmas Dinner 2024 - Save the Date!

Based on the discussion at the last club meeting Relph VA7VZA asked Kirsten ( of Kirsten's Hideout) if we could have the KARC Christmas Dinner on Thursday December 12th.  She says that works, so keep that day clear if you would like to come. We will send out more details as we make the arrangements!

Fusion Repeater VE7FUS Antenna Replacement

On Thursday, October 10th, Dave VE7LTW, Ralph VA7VZA and Brock VA7AV visited the VE7FUS site on Coach Hill and replaced the existing dual band base antenna with a new one of similar design.  The existing antenna had been found to have been damage, with the fiberglass vertical section split and the internal RF element falling out.  The repeater had been blowing fuses, suggesting that something was wrong, and hopefully the problem was limited to the antenna.

The mast was dropped, the antennas swapped and the mast returned to vertical.  The repeater checked OK at that point and is back in operation.

Fall Picnic 2024

The annual KARC fall picnic was held on Sunday October 6th at the Aberdeen Longboard Park.  Three HF antennas were demonstrated, including an NVIS 40m dipole (Ralph VA7VZA), a vertical (Simon VE7RIZ) and a magnetic loop (Norm VE7APF).  Several contacts were completed on the HF bands, confirming that simple portable antenna antennas can be quite effective.

VHF/UHF handhelds and a mobile (portable) VHF rig also demonstrated the ability to communicate with repeaters and directly on simplex frequencies.

In addition, a Meshtastic node was set up on the 915 MHz ISM band to show the surprising range a simple device like this can have.

Members of the public stopped by to find out what we were doing, and we were able to reconnect with two local hams who haven't recently been active.  The picnic operations may have inspired more participation!

Next Club Meeting - Thursday 3rd October, 7:00 PM

Message from Ralph VA7VZA, KARC President:

The October meeting will be held at a  Kirsten's Hideout Cafe, the same place we have our weekly club breakfast every Saturday. The address is 1390 Columbia Street. The restaurant is located in the Canada's Best Value Inn. It is just before where Columbia and Battle Streets join. If you have trouble finding it, you can call Ralph VA7VZA at 250-319-5925. 

If you wish to join online please use this link: https://meet.google.com/qsf-myhe-npa

Draft agenda and minutes of last meeting are available below.  If you have any items to add to the agenda, please contact Ralph VA7VZA.


Ralph VA7VZA

KARC Fall Picnic


This year's fall picnic will be held on Sunday 6th October from 13:00 to 16:30 at the Kamloops Longboard Park (Highland Park) in Upper Aberdeen.  The address is 2350 Pacific Way, just behind the Pacific Way Elementary School. Parking is on Pacific Way and access is either through the school parking lot, or through the yellow gate on Pacific just East of the school boundary. There is an outhouse on the site. We will be monitoring VE7RLO (147.320+ and 442.525+ PL100) for anyone that needs directions or help finding the picnic site.

As well as our usual get-together and HF setup, through Sol VA7NIN, we have invited members of the local 4WD community to attend. The objective is to give them a demonstration of the different types of  radio communication that are available to Amateurs that would be useful to people operating in the backcountry out of cell and 2m repeater range .  We will be demonstrating line-of-sight and repeater communications on VHF and UHF, and regional and DX on HF. If things go according to plan, we will have a 40m NVIS dipole to demonstrate regional communications  (out to a few hundred kilometres) and a 20m vertical or beam to demonstrate long distance HF communications.

We will also bring some Meshtastic nodes to demonstrate. For those of you who are not up on the latest radio fads, Meshtastic is a  new method of sending text messages through a mesh network of small and inexpensive ($50) radios that can be used over short distances to communicate. It does not require a licence from ISED. It is being used already by some 4WD enthusiasts to communicate between vehicles.

Guests are welcome, and we are looking forward to seeing you at the picnic!

If you have any questions, please contact Ralph VA7VZA at rsadams@telus.net

Ralph VA7VZA


Next meeting is on Thursday 5th September


Next meeting - Thursday 5th September, 7:00 PM

The meeting will be held at a NEW LOCATION - Kirsten's Hideout Cafe, the same place we have our weekly club breakfast every Saturday. The address is 1390 Columbia Street. The restaurant is located in the Canada's Best Value Inn. It is just before where Columbia and Battle Streets join. If you have trouble finding it, you can call Ralph VA7VZA at 250-319-5925. If you wish to join online please use this link: https://meet.google.com/chm-qobq-ahm

Draft agenda and minutes of last meeting in June may be found below (click "read more" to see full page). The objective of the meeting is to plan what we want to do as a club over the next year, so this is probably the most important meeting this year. Please bring your ideas. No matter what they are we will consider them. If you have any items to add to the agenda, please contact Ralph VA7VZA.





Next Meeting is June 6 at 7PM






The next monthly meeting will be held on Thursday June 6 at 7PM.  Please see the attached draft agenda.

This will be our last meeting before the usual summer break.  Will be holding a special election in order to fill positions which were not filled at the AGM last month.  We will also be learning about the club autopatch, so if you've never used an autopatch before now is the time to learn how!

We have lost access to Big Blue Button, but Brock has found an interim option with Google Meet.  Because we are limited to one hour with Google, we will start the online meeting just before 7pm.

To join the online meeting, please click this link: https://meet.google.com/eoi-szsa-bas

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.


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