Pete worked in Facility Management at the City of Richmond for 35 years, and retired seven years ago. He was a radio operator in the Navy and always wanted to get a HAM license, but it wasn’t until he retired that he found the time to take the course about three years ago.
Currently he is active on 2M from his mobile, but would like to get an HF base station and explore more of the hobby.
He and his wife moved to Logan Lake in October, partly because they couldn’t take the lower mainland any longer, but also to be closer to his wife’s mother who lives in Merritt. After looking around Kamloops for about a year and not finding a house that met their needs, Jim, VE7JMN, suggested they consider Logan Lake. Pete is glad that Jim did, because Pete and his wife love their new place in Logan Lake.
If you hear Pete on the repeater, please give him a call.
Welcome to the KARC, Pete, thank you for becoming a member!