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Updated: KARC Monthly Meeting this Thursday, February 3 at 7:00 PM

The next monthly meeting of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM PST.

We are going to do things a bit differently from now on, and will be opening the meeting at 7:00PM so that members have a chance to chat, catch up, share news of their recent exciting DX contacts, etc.  So feel free to sign in a bit early and kibitz with your fellow hams!

We will start the official portion of the meeting at 7:30PM as usual, and this month we are fortunate to have our very own Ralph Adams, VA7VZA to give us a presentation titled:



Ralph tells us that this talk started as a joke over a lunch with Myles, VE7FSR at his favorite restaurant, the Coconut. 

"I was explaining my lack of progress with getting on air on HF and all the ways I kept finding to play with my collection of cheap software defined radios. After about fifteen minutes of me going on, he shut me up by suggesting I do a club talk on the subject. So here it is."

Ralph's presentation will give listeners a quick introduction to SDRs, a quick description of what is meant by inexpensive SDRs, and an introduction to the software available to operate them.  Then Ralph is going to tell us about all the ways he has found to have fun with SDRs, some things that he has tried, and others that he is going to try. You may have already heard about some of these in his last talk on weather-related projects, tracking weather balloons, decoding weather satellite images, etc..

Ralph is going to tell us about more fun SDR projects such as: tracking aircraft using the ADS-B system, recording IQ spectrum for "tuning" through later, surveying and tracking down RFI sources, as panadapters for high-end HF rigs, and amateur radio astronomy projects such as the one we heard about last month from Ken Tapping. With luck we will get to learn about the kiwiSDR network, an amazing resource, especially for those of us who suffer from RFI and HF antenna challenges.

This will be an online meeting so please use this link to join:

Non-members are welcome to attend, so please feel free to share this information and the meeting link above with anyone you think might be interested.