We are also organizing a Silent Auction (proceeds will be donated to the club), and a radio-themed trivia quiz with prizes.
It all starts at 18:00, (02:00 UTC) on December 15.
Tickets are $30 per plate, including taxes and service charge (no tip required). Tickets are available from Ralph Adams VA7VZA at: rsadams@telus.net or 250-319-5925.
Payment by e-transfer to my email address is preferred, but I can also arrange for cash or cheque. Please RSVP as soon as you can as due to the size of the restaurant and current supply issues we will need to confirm numbers to Kirsten sooner rather than later. Tickets will be on sale until Thursday, December 8.
Any questions contact please me directly. Similarly, if you and any guests need a ride, please let me know.
Ralph VA7VZA