Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

Meeting this thursday!

Hi all,

A very quick note that our monthly meeting is this Thursday the 6th of February at the usual time & location.

Hope it's a good one!


January 2014 Meeting this Thursday

Hello all,

Don't forget that the January meeting of the KARC will be this thursday the 2nd of January at the usual time & place.

See you there!

New Greenstone Repeater Site Pictures

Hi all,

Thanks to Myles VE7FSR for providing some pictures of the VE7RKA repeater site from a couple of trips he's made up there in the past few weeks.

They're in the Greenstone 2013 album here: Click me!


No regular December meeting

Hi all,

There won't be a regular club meeting tonight. Instead we will be holding our annual pot luck dinner on Friday Dec. 13th in the basement of the church. Doors will be open at 17:30.

See you there!

Club Meeting this Thursday

Just a reminder that the next KARC meeting will be this Thursday, Nov. 7. Besides our regular business meeting we will be holding our annual swap and shop and Wayne VE7WAH will give us a demonstration on the remote HF station that he has set up.



VA7AQD's K3 Build

One of our club's members (ok, I admit it, it's me) recently put together a K3 and has posted some pictures of the experience. Have a look over at http://va7aqd.isurf.ca

Monthly meeting on Thursday

Usual time, usual place, look forward to seeing you there!

KARC meeting this Thursday, and a special event station notification

Hello everybody,

A quick note here to remind everyone that the first meeting of the 2013/2014 season is this Thursday at the same time & place as usual (and as listed here on the site). Membership fees are now due as well!

Here's some information on a local special event station:

Sep 21-Sep 22, 1700Z-1700Z, VE7RC, Salmon Arm, BC. Shuswap Amateur Radio Club. 14.210 14.110 7.210 3.810. QSL. Ron Essex, PO Box 2613, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4R5, CANADA. The first activation of the only island in Shuswap Lake, British Columbia, Canada – Grid Square DO00HV. Shuswap Lake covers an area of 120 square miles and has a maximum depth of 530 feet. This activation will qualify for the Canadian Islands Awards Program (CISA).

Thanks to Bill VE7WWW for passing this on!


KARC pictures updated

Hi all,

I figured it was time to get some e-mail clean-up done, and in doing so found a few sets of pictures that belong here on the site.

Here's the links to the albums containing the new pictures:

Field Day 2012 Antenna Take-Down
Misc. Mt. Lolo repeater pictures
Greenstone 2012

Enjoy, and hope to see you all at the upcoming meeting on Sept. 5.


Field Day 2013 is a wrap

As VE7WWW has said "Thanks to all that participated in any way especially to the weather man who gave us clear skies an warm temps.

Also just a reminder that there will not be a KARC meeting for the months of July and August. As the song goes "See you in September". "

The photo album for this year's field day fun can be found in the gallery right here.

Edit: I noticed we didn't have any 2012 FD pictures, so I've gathered some up and added them in as well. Enjoy! -VA7AQD


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