Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

The proposed Field Day site is definitely a go - see you there!

Hello all,

Please see the attached information on this year's field day site (as well as the previous article) for information on how to get there.

The Field Day schedule will be similar to past Field Days with set up beginning Friday June 26 afternoon and evening. We will finish set up Saturday June 27 morning and start operating at noon until noon Sunday June 28. Then it’s time to take everything apart.

As usual we will take a break from operating for our pot luck dinner around 5:00 PM on Saturday. Then back at it “CQ field day de VE7UT“.


Proposed Field Day 2015 location

Hello all,

Please see the below information on the proposed field day site location for this year. In the frame below you will see the google maps driving directions (hit 'more options' to bring it up larger in the browser and get the full driving directions). Also attached are screen shots from google earth as well as a KMZ file that will open up the location in google earth if you have it installed.

Please send us feedback if you have any, and we'll post further updates as they become available.


KARC Club meeting this Thursday evening and IRLP node 1080 outage

Hello all,

It's that time of the month again, our club meeting is coming up this Thursday evening the 4th at the St. George's church at the intersection of Royal Ave. and Knox St. in North Kamloops at 7:30pm. Any and all guests are more than welcome.

Also our local IRLP node 1080 will be off the air for a few days and then may have limited outbound-only operating for a bit after that. We will post more on this as it develops.


VE7RLO Lolo repeater is back on the air again

Hello all,

Thanks to Myles, Lolo was brought back on the air last Monday.



VE7RLO offline for awhile again

Hello all,

Some equipment has been brought down from the repeater site for testing today, so VE7RLO will be offline again until further notice.


VE7RLO (Lolo) repeater is back on the air!

Yay, the repeater is back on the air and linked in to the SIRG!

There may still be a mild 'hum' but Myles (VE7FSR) says it's much less obvious than before. If there are any problems noticed with the repeater please drop us a note.

Thanks all, enjoy, and 73!

Club Meeting this Thursday, the 2nd of April!

Hello all,

Just a quick note & reminder that the April meeting of the club is coming up this Thursday!

See you there!


VE7RLO repeater will be offline for several days

Hello all,

Sometime this weekend our VE7RLO (Lolo) repeater will be taken offline to allow our neighbours to check on some interference issues. It will resume service a week or so after it has been turned off, and we will post further information as it becomes available.

Thanks all, will post again soon.


March club meeting is this Thursday, the 5th!

Hello all,

Dave VE7LTW will be giving us an introduction to D-STAR at the club meeting this Thursday. If you know anyone who would like to drop by to check it out, please pass this information along!

Look forward to seeing you there!


KARC Club meeting this Thursday evening

Hello all,

Just a friendly reminder that the February KARC meeting is coming up this Thursday evening. Usual time & place!

Look forward to seeing you there!



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