Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

2023 KARC Picnic this Saturday September 23

The annual KARC Picnic is being held this Saturday, September 23 from noon to 4PM, at the City of Kamloops Long Board Park in Aberdeen.  It's just above the Pacific Way Elementary School, and you can access it from the upper parking lot of the school.

Please bring your own camp chair, snacks, and beverages.  There are two picnic tables, one under a shelter.  We will have a two-burner Coleman stove for anyone wanting to roast hot dogs or marshmallows.

We will have two HF radios in operation so if you haven't been on HF before please drop by and give it a try.

We will be monitoring VE7RLO (147.320+ and 442.525+ PL100) for anyone that needs directions or help finding the picnic site.

Guests are welcome, and we are looking forward to seeing you at the picnic!

For directions please see: https://goo.gl/maps/agLeD3YN8S5J7HvD6

We will also be broadcasting the picnic site on APRS, please see https://aprs.fi/#!call=a%2FVE7UT

GOOD NEWS! The KARC now has a remote HF station!

We are pleased to announce that the club has installed a remote HF station on Mt. Lolo.

We are currently testing the Icom RS-BA1 remote control software with the club's Icom IC-7300 HF radio.  The RS-BA1 software runs unders Windows 10, and is opertating on a Lenovo ThinkCentre computer that was donated by Myles, VE7FSR.  Upgrades have been made to the microwave radio link to Lolo to ensure that we have sufficient internet bandwidth to successfully operate the remote HF station.

The HF antenna is an 80M off-centre-fed dipole supported at the top of the 50ft wood pole at the top of Lolo.  This gives us an overall antenna height of about 5750 feet above average terrain, which should make for terrific DX performance!

So far the testing has been positive (thank you to Mark VE7ARN and Dave VE7LTW our test squad) and the performance of the radio, antenna, and software has been very good.  We did have an issue with some nasty RFI when we first put up the HF antenna, and Ralph VA7VZA brought up his portable SDR receiver to do some "sniffing" while Myles VE7FSR turned stuff on and off in the shack.  We tracked down a very noisy Samlex switching power supply, which was then turned off and removed, with most of the noise going away.  There is a small source of noise on 17M, but not bad enough to block reasonable signals.  We have also noticed a higher than desired noise floor on 20M which Ralph and Myles will try to chase down in the coming weeks. (This appears to be coming from a bad insulator on the main power line, on the pole with the tansformers.  We have notified Nav Canada)

Thanks to Mark VE7ARN (our resident CW expert), we were able to determine that the OCF dipole has a high SWR on 30M and on the lower CW portion of the 80M bandplan, and the internal tuner of the IC-7300 is not able to find a match. 

The original antenna was replaced by Myles VE7FSR and Ralph VA7VZA with an 80M dipole fed with ladderline and matched by an Icom AH-3 tuner mounted remotely outside the building.  The new antenna and remote tuner appears to work on all portions of the 80M band, and 30M as well.  More testing will let us know if the new antenna works as well as the former OCF dipole did.

Ferrite chokes (mix 31 and mix 75) were installed on the RG-400 coax and shielded control cable from the AH-3, immediately after the wires enter the building,  This should help keep any RF from the antenna or ladderline from entering the building.

After we complete the test and evaluation phase of the new HF remote station, the station will be available to club members in good standing who possess the Advanced Qualification.  To help more people access this new club resource we will be holding an Advanced Qualification Course for club members interested in using the remote HF station.  Stay tuned for more information on the course -- if you are interested in attending the course please contact Myles VE7FSR at ve7fsr@telus.net

We'd also like to thank Ian, VE7HHS for his awesome support and technical knowledge on setting up and managing remote HF stations, understanding codecs, and choosing suitable headsets.






New Photo Albums uploaded

There are three new photo albums uploaded.  These are photos from the work parties that took place in July, August, and September at the Mt. Lolo, Greenstone, Promontory Mtn and Iron Mountain repeater sites. 

Myles VE7FSR and Lee VE7FET installed two new Rocket M5 microwave radios for the microwave link from Lolo to Greenstone Mountain, and Myles replaced two old Ubiquiti microwave radios on Greenstone with two new Mikrotik micowave radios.  The new radios should help improve the bandwidth and stability of our broadband backbone.

Ralph VA7VZA helped remove the old exhaust fan at Mt, Lolo and replace it with a small air conditioner, and Lee VE7FET removed the old Glenayre PA unit in the repeater  and replaced it with a Motorola Quantar.  Lee VE7FET, also did some testing and monitoring with his SDR to see if he could find the source of the RFI that was causing interference to the VHF remote receiver on Mt, Lolo.  Lee also installed a temperature control to make sure the "new" air conditioner doesn't run when the outside air is too cold.

At Greenstone Mountain, Myles VE7FSR, Jordan VE7OSX, and Ralph VA7VZA, installed a new run of outfoor CAT5 cable, and installed a new Mikrotik LHG 52 ac microwave radio for a future link from Greenstone to South Forge Mountain (VE7LGN), as well as replacing an old Uibiquiti Bullet microwave radio with a Mikrotik Metal 52 ac microwave radio.  Lee VE7FET drove to Promontory Mountain and replaced the Ubiquiti Bullet radio there with a new Mikrotik Metal 52 ac radio.  Lee tweaked the software until he was able to get a stable and much faster link between Greenstone and Promontory Mountains, which should improve the backhaul from Iron Mountain considerably.

HamSCI Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science






The HamSCI Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science will occur October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 during spectacular North American solar eclipses.

​The Festivals will consist of multiple events, each with a goal of increasing our understanding of sun-ionosphere-earth relationships.

​Participants will include volunteer amateur radio operators, short wave listeners and science researchers from multiple US universities.

HamSCI FoEIS Contests (Non-WARC Bands, 6-160 meters)

  • The Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP) using CW, FT4/8, SSB and other digital modes
  • The Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge (GSSC) using CW, WSPR and FST4W modes
  • The HamSCI FoEIS Contest Info Page has all of the details

HamSCI FoEIS Research Events (40, 75 and 160 meters)

For more information please see: https://hamsci.org/eclipse  or https://swling.com/blog/2023/08/how-dxers-can-contribute-to-ionospheric-research-during-the-october-14-2023-solar-eclipse/

Reminder: Next KARC Meeting is Thursday, September 7 at 7PM







Welcome back from summer!

The next club meeting will be held on September 7 at 7PM.

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person if you can.

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

We will be having an introduction to and demonstration of the new club HF remote station which was installed on Mt. Lolo this August.

Please remember that annual membership fees are due in September, so please remember to bring your cheque  book or cash for Jordan.  The 2023/2024 membership form is available below so please fill it out and bring it with you, or you may email the form to Jordan at jordan.mohle@gmail.com -- membership fees may also be paid by e-transfer to Jordan.

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.

There will be donuts and apple fritters for those attending in person!

Field Day 2023 - June 24-25

















The KARC Field Day will be held on June 24-25 at Peter (VE7DNZ) Philip's farm in Knutsford.  A map and Google Earth KMZ file are attached, as well as Google Maps directions from the link below.


We will be setting up the VE7UT station on Friday from noon onward, and on Saturday morning.  Please bring your own chair, food and beverages, and be prepared for "rustic" and historic conditions (this is part of a ranch that has been in operation for over a hundred years).  There is an old ranchers cabin and an outhouse, and lots of room to camp if you are so inclined.  The views are spectacular, so please remember to bring your camera.

We will be operating two HF stations (SSB, CW, and RTTY) using the club HF yagi and 80M Carolina Windom antennas, and will be using solar and generator power  We will also be beaconing on APRS, and will also be listening on 146.520 for simplex VHF contacts.  We will also have a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for those new to HF who want to give it a try.

To get there start from the Knutsford Community Hall south of Aberdeen, and follow the Long Lake Road south until you come to the junction and turn left onto Jackson Road.  Head east and then turn right onto Mannings Road and follow it south until you come to the sign that says "End of Public Road".  Look to your left and you will see a sign for the KARC Field Day and a gate leading into a field.  Please close the gate after you come through, and follow the two-track dirt road and the flagging ribbons until you come to the old rancher's cabin.  Please stay on the two-track (unless you need to bypass a mud puddle) and please avoid driving in the field.  We will be monitoring 147.320 VE7RLO if you need help finding the place or just want to say "Hello!"

Please keep in mind you are driving through open range and there may be cattle on the roads so please drive carefully, especially after dark.

Reminder: Next KARC Monthly Meeting is Thursday, June 8 at 7:00PM







The next meeting will be held on June 8 at 7PM.  This will be our last regular meeting before we take a break for the summer.

We will be discussing and planning for the ARRL VHF Contest on June 10-12 at Pavilion Mountain, the annual ARRL Field Day on June 24-25, and the RAC Canada Day Contest; the last two will be held at Peter's (VE7DNZ) farm in Knutsford.  We will also be discussing work parties planned this summer at our repeater sites.  If you are interested in participating in our club activities or willing to help at the work parties please join us on June 8 at 7PM.

This will be an online-only meeting, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

2023 AGM Results








The club held our 2023 AGM on May 4, 2023.

Minutes of the AGM are available below (click "read more").  There were two motions made and passed at the AGM, both dealing with annual RAC insurance costs.

The annual election of Club Officers for 2023-2024 was held at the AGM and the following members were elected to office.  They will assume their board duties in September when we return to regular business from the summer break.  Thank you to all those who were willing to let their names stand for election, and for their willingness to serve on the board.

President: Myles Bruns VE7FSR, nominated.  Elected by acclamation.
Vice President:  Jim McNaught VE7HS, nominated.  Elected by acclamation.
Secretary:  Brock Nanson VA7AV, nominated.  Elected by acclamation.
Treasurer:  Jordan Mohle VE7OSX, nominated.  Elected by acclamation.
Directors:  Simon Rizzardo VE7RIZ, Ralph Adams VA7VZA, Shawn Booth Ross VE7NIN nominated.  Elected by acclamation.

2023 AGM May 4 at 7PM









The next monthly meeting and the Annual General Meeting and election of club officers will be held on May 4 at 7pm.

We would really like you to attend the AGM because we have a number of important financial items to discuss with the membership and we need your input.  We require half the membership to make a quorum at the AGM, so please attend if you are able.

If you are interested in putting your name forward as a club officer, please let me know, or you can express your interest in volunteering at the AGM.

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person if you can.

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.

There will be donuts and apple fritters for those attending in person!

Reminder: Next KARC Monthly Meeting is Thursday, March 2 at 7:00PM












Our guest presenter for the next club meeting will be Ralph Olds, VA7NU and his presentation is titled "Electrons and Propagation".

Ralph received his basic qualification in 1960 when he was 15 years old , and his advanced qualification a year later.  In those days, hams had to show their log book and proof of operating experience to be allowed to write for the advanced qualification.

Ralph worked for many years in computers with IBM, and about 1994 started a business making RF filters, and over the next 15 years made about 20,000 filters with 12 employees.

He has been making (mostly) ham filters as a retirement business for the last 6 years in Armstrong as OCI - Olds Communications Inc.

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person if you can.

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.

There will be donuts and apple fritters for those attending in person!

The Agenda and Minutes from the last meeting are attached below.


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