Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

The club meeting is this week

Hi all,

Nope, this isn't an April fool's story - we have our monthly meeting this Thursday night, April 4th.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

RAC study guides available

Howdy members,

Bill mentioned at the meeting this past week that if anyone would like a copy of the RAC study guide, we have a surplus of them. They're available to club members for $40. Please drop Bill a line if you'd like one set aside for you.

Club meeting this week

Hi all,

Hope you had fun in the BC QSO Party this past weekend if you participated.

Just a little reminder that the club meeting is coming up this Thursday evening. Please set your reminders, scribble in your calendar, or leave a trail of bread crumbs to follow!

See you Thursday!

BC QSO Party is almost here

Hi all,

Are you geared up and ready to go for the BC QSO Party? Hope we have a great turn-out this year. I'm hoping to participate again even if it's for a few hours.

See you there!

KARC's social media presence

Hi all,

If you look at the right hand side of the site here, you'll notice our new "KARC on social media" links. We now will be posting content on our new Google+ page, mostly sharing things we find interesting or useful, along with mentions of our posts here at karc.ca. The Google+ posts will auto-post over to Twitter and our Facebook pages.

We hope you'll join us via whichever social network you enjoy using! If you don't utilize any already, I personally would recommend having a look around at Google+ as a place to find people who share things on the topics you're interested in. It appears to be a quickly ever-growing community of people who care to share useful stuff (on a huge range of topics).

In doing our social presence I am calling on our community here to help contribute even if you're not part of these social networks. If you wind up with links to things that are of interest to the ham community, please email them my way. I will look to share them with the rest of the world and make the KARC more of a presence online.

Thanks, and enjoy!


Problems and resolution with VE7RLO Lolo repeater

Myles VE7FSR has kindly provided reports on the issues we have had with the VE7RLO repeater, and on the resolution that is currently in place. Please see the attached reports (there are two versions of each report, one high-res and one low-res) to see what occurred up at Lolo.

Thanks very much for the work on this, Myles. This is fantastic to have a mid-winter solution to a pretty heavy (pun fully intended) issue.

Upcoming Amateur Radio course!

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will be holding a course beginning in January which will certify you as an amateur radio operator. The course covers everything you need to know from electronics basics to radio operating procedure to safety, and more. The course will conclude with the Industry Canada examination to obtain your Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio.

The course is set to run weekly for 10 weeks beginning Monday, January 14, 2013, and course fees will be $100, which includes the study guide manual (a $40 book on it's own) and the certification exam.

If you or someone you know would be interested in attending, please contact Bill Foster at (250) 828-0895.

Upcoming Events of Note

Hello all,

The December KARC club meeting will be our annual Pot Luck Dinner. It will be on Friday Dec. 7th at 6:00 PM in the basement of the church. Bring some grub and most of all your appetite.

This year the RAC Winter Contest will be from 4:00 PM Friday Dec. 28th to 4:00 PM Sat. Dec. 29th. Once again we will participate from the QTH of VE7WWW using the club's call VE7UT. All are welcome to drop by and do a little operating and have a rag chew. We will be operating on all bands both SSB and CW.

We will be offering an Amateur Radio course early in the new year. (firm dates to be advised ) The cost will be $100.00 which includes the RAC study guide. If you know of anyone that would like to take the course have them get in touch with Bill Foster at 250-828-0895.

Club meeting November 1st is our swap & shop!

Hello all,

Don't forget that this Thursday Nov. 1st is our annual swap & shop meeting. Look forward to everyone dragging out their best bits & pieces!

We'll see you there.


KARC Meeting tonight, and some photos have been posted

Hi all,

Our monthly meeting is this evening, 7:30pm at the usual location. If you have acquired anything new in your shack over the summer and can bring it along, by all means do so. It will add to the fun of the meeting!

Here on the website front, I've got a lot of updating to do as people have sent pictures from our various events over the past numerous months. I hope to have more added very soon, but for the moment I've just added the photos from the Greenstone shack painting exercise from September.

We'll see you at the meeting!


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