Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

Happy Holidays and see you in January!

On behalf of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club we'd like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! We look forward to seeing you at the January club meeting!

Next Club Meeting is our annual pot luck dinner

Please join us for our annual pot luck dinner on Wed. December 7 @ 5:30pm at the church. Details are in the calendar.

Welcome to the new site!

Hello all,

Welcome to the new website. This site has been sitting in 'development' mode for quite some time and we've finally moved it in to production mode. Please have a look around, and if you see any issues with the content on the site please drop us a line - feel free to drop us a line for anything regardless!

Thanks, more updates coming very soon,


Last club meeting - Nov. 3

From Vern, VE7VGO,

Hi Everyone.

A quick update re. our last club meeting.

It was a Swap Shop meeting interrupted by a small business item. A motion was made to replace our aging Field Day tower and beam antenna. It was suggested to buy Dave Sutherland almost new 3 element hy-Gain beam antenna. For the tower replacement two 20' aluminium pipes will be used. Total estimated cost not to exceed $ 750.00. Motion by Mike Garneau seconded by Jim Milligan - motion carried.

It was suggested to have once more a VHF net. Bill Foster volunteered to hold it every Tuesday evening starting tomorrow at 20:00 hours on 147.960 Mhz. Bill hopes this will lead to more radio use in place of email. Lets all
join the net so not to disappoint Bill.

Another item on our last meeting was the showing of an excellent DVD about "The secret wireless war"

Don't forget our next meeting Dec.1, it will be our annual Potluck dinner !


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