Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

Good old-fashioned antenna raising party!

On Saturday, July 14, the KARC crew got together to help club member Charles (Chuck) Hays, VE7PJR, install his "home-brewed" 43 foot vertical HF antenna.  Chuck built the antenna from aluminum irrigation pipe, and constructed his own mount and base insulator.  He is using an LDG RT-600 remote tuner and has installed 4,000 feet of copper ground radials (feel free to count them in the photo below!).

The new antenna should give Chuck an excellent signal, and be a great companion to his HF receiving loop. I can only imagine the bandwidth you get with a radiator that big!

Helping with the installation was Adam (VA7AQD), Dianne, Dave (VE7LTW), Vern (VE7VGO), Myles (VE7FSR) and Rolf. Chuck had done all the hard work ahead of time (laying out the radials must have been fun on that hillside slope!) and the crew just had to tie off the guy ropes and lift the antenna (aka pipe) onto the base insulator.  The process went well and the crew was soon back to Chuck's kitchen for welcome cookies, burgers, and cold drinks.

Have a look below at some more photos from the event.

The Doctor Will See You Now!

"Taking Amateur Radio on Vacation" is the topic of the latest (June 21) episode of the "ARRL The Doctor is In" podcast. Listen...and learn!

Sponsored by DX Engineering, "ARRL The Doctor is In" is an informative discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet, or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!

Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of technical topics. You can also email your questions to doctor@arrl.org, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.

Enjoy "ARRL The Doctor is In" on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone or iPad podcast app (just search for "ARRL The Doctor is In"). You can also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never listened to a podcast before, download our beginner's guide.

RAC Canada Day Contest 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC July 1, 2018

Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors the Canada Day Contest and Amateurs all over the world are invited to Canada’s Birthday Party on the air.

Contest Period: 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC July 1, 2018.

Bands and Modes: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres, CW and phone (SSB, FM, AM, etc.)

Suggested frequencies: CW – 25 kHz up from the band edge and for SSB – 1850, 3775, 7075, 7225, 14175, 21250, 28500 kHz. Check for CW activity on the half-hour.

Exchange: Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory. VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number.

QSOs: Contacts with stations in Canada or VEØs are worth 10 points. Contacts with stations outside Canada are worth 2 points. Contacts with RAC official stations are worth 20 points. RAC official stations are: VA2RAC, VA3RAC, VE1RAC, VE4RAC, VE5RAC, VE6RAC, VE7RAC, VE8RAC, VE9RAC, VO1RAC, VO2RAC, VY0RAC, VY1RAC and VY2RAC. You may work any station once on each of the two modes, on each of the eight contest bands.

It is prohibited to make CW contacts in the conventional phone sub-bands and phone contacts in the conventional CW sub-bands. Contacts or soliciting QSOs through a repeater during the contest period is not allowed.

Multipliers: Thirteen in total, Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories. Each multiplier may be counted once on each mode on each of the eight contest bands. The multipliers, with their postal abbreviations and prefixes are: Nova Scotia [NS] (VE1, VA1, CY9, CYØ); Quebec [QC] (VE2, VA2); Ontario [ON] (VE3, VA3); Manitoba [MB] (VE4, VA4); Saskatchewan [SK] (VE5, VA5); Alberta [AB] (VE6, VA6); British Columbia [BC] (VE7, VA7); Northwest Territories [NT] (VE8); New Brunswick [NB] (VE9); Newfoundland and Labrador [NL] (VO1, VO2); Nunavut [NU] (VYØ); Yukon [YT] (VY1); and Prince Edward Island [PE] (VY2). Certain special Canadian prefixes in use at the time of the contest may also apply; however there may be no more than 13 multipliers on each band/mode. Please use the multiplier abbreviations, in square brackets, noted above.

Final Score: The total QSO from all bands multiplied by the total number of multipliers from all bands.

More pictures from the 2018 Bill Foster Memorial Field Day

Adam uploaded a couple more photos from Field Day this past weekend, and I took a screen capture of our final scores from the N1MM+ contest logging program (we also managed to work N1MM on RTTY on Sunday!). We also had a fabulous potluck supper on Saturday night, but we were all so busy enjoying the goodies that we forgot to take any pictures.  Thank you to everyone that brought all the awesome food for the potluck and the goodies that kept us fed during the contest!










We used the projector at the PREOC as a second monitor on Adam's station. This gave us a really big view of what was happening on FT8!











Adam was pretty intense on Saturday night!  He was really trying to make those contacts on FT8!











Quentin and Myles calling CQ on Saturday night before I wiped out the front end of Adam's radio. Next year we need to put a little more space between the antennas, buy some band-pass filters, use a front-end saver, or all of the above!  Lesson learned!

73, and see you all next year at Field Day!

KARC interviewed for (and on) Field Day by the CBC!

On Sunday morning, CBC reporter Tara Copeland dropped by the the KARC Field Day operation to chat with Myles, Adam and youngster Quentin about Field Day, amateur radio operation in general and some of our impressions of it.  Have a listen below - this segment ran on CBC Kamloops' "Daybreak" program Monday, June 25, 2018.




CBC Interviews KARC Field Day 2018


2018 Bill Foster Memorial Field Day Update #2

We had a great day today, and here are some more photos from Field Day 2018 at the Central PREOC.

Chuck, VE7PJR works the "bug" on 40M CW.

Quentin (one of our "yutes"!) and Myles, VE7FSR work the pileup, while Chuck, VE7PJR copies the ARRL Bulletin.  Dave, VE7ODS watches on from the back row (Dave was our back-up ears for making sure we got the call signs correct).

Adam, VA7AQD, waits expectantly for confirmation of his QSO on FT8.










TS-480SAT set up as an extra HF station to simulate the need for additional comms during an emergency at the Central Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centre (PREOC).  This station was hooked up to one of the extra antennas (G5RV) we deployed at the PREOC at Emergency Management BC here in Kamloops.

Close up of Chuck, VE7PJR, working CW with his Vibroplex "bug".  Keeping "old school" alive at Field Day 2018!

Bill Foster Memorial Field Day Update

The HF beam and G5RV are both up, and the team is busy working Field Day contacts on FT8, CW, and SSB voice.  Here's a picture of two of the stations and our operators Chuck (left) and Adam (right). Dave (far right) is supervising.










The tri-band beam and temporary support for the G5RV antenna.

2018 Bill Foster Memorial Field Day will be held at the Central PREOC

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will host the 2018 Bill Foster Memorial Field Day at the Emergency Management BC Central PREOC at 1255-D Dalhousie Drive (https://goo.gl/maps/rRkdvRfJ4sB2 or see attached map for information on parking, etc).

VE7UT will be operating as 3F BC (3 stations from an official EOC) for the first time ever!  Daytime we will be able to operate simultaneously on 10/15/20, 40 and 80M; and in the evening we can operate simultaneously on 20, 40 and 80M. We will also have a GOTA station (VE7KAZ) and two VHF stations active, an information table, and some educational activities are planned during Field Day.  We can definitely accommodate and would welcome a CW operator, so bring your straight key or paddles, or use ours!

Setup will begin at 1700 hours local time Friday, and VE7UT will operate from 1100 PST (1800 UTC) Saturday, June 23 to 1100 PST (1800 UTC) Sunday, June 24.

The annual Field Day Potluck Supper will be held on Saturday evening, so please bring something and join us for dinner.

We invite visitors, other amateur radio operators, members of the public, elected officials, etc. to stop in and learn about amateur radio and emergency management, or to just spend some time on the air with us this Field Day.

For more information please contact Myles, VE7FSR at ve7fsr@telus.net or by phone at (250) 318-5150.

The Central PREOC, at 1255-D Dalhousie (around the back of the building):

Tapping out: B.C. Morse Telegraph Club says goodbye to an era

Tom Zytaruk,  May 3, 2018 12:30 p.m.

Are you reading this story in print? Or perhaps on your smartphone, that indispensable device you ritualistically pin your eyes to every day and night?

One day, that oh-so-important gadget will surely become an anachronism as new modes of communication take over. One day, you might well find yourself explaining to your grandchildren or great-grandchildren what it was like to use an Android or iPhone as you view, from behind the display case glass in some dusty museum, a rare specimen that survived the march of time unbroken.

As the Good Book says, we’re all dust in the wind, and that applies to technology as well. Take, for example, Morse Code telegraphy, a system of text messaging consisting of dots and dashes, combinations of which represent letters or numerals. Considered to be one of humankind’s top 10 inventions, well before there were telephones, fax machines or computers, Morse Code beepity-beeped from a tapping device called a “straight key” along telegraph lines to bring people news of births and deaths, weddings, tragedy and joy, emergencies and disasters, and other news of personal and global import. This medium of communication was, in a word, indispensable.

But that was then.

The last surviving members of the B.C. Chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club held their final meeting on Thursday, April 26, in room A123 of the Oasis building at Fleetwood’s Elim Village retirement community, saying goodbye to this important era in the history of communications.

“We’re dying off. There’s very few of us left,” member Chris Naylor, 87, bluntly explained. When it comes to words, the elderly generally don’t kid around.

“It is the closing of an era,” he said. “Nobody knows Morse Code any more.”

It’s named after inventor Samuel F.B. Morse who, along with physicist Joseph Henry and engineer Alfred Vail, created the electrical telegraph system in 1836.

This means of communication played an immense role in critical moments in history — such as the RMS Carpathia receiving Titanic’s wireless distress call to save 705 souls, and train dispatcher Vince Coleman bravely sacrificing his own life to alert an incoming passenger train to the imminent Halifax explosion in 1917, saving nearly 300 lives.

Locally, the first telegraph message sent along a line linking the U.S. with New Westminster, by way of the Kennedy Trail, brought news of President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.

The last train order sent by telegraph in North America was in the mid-1980s.

The surviving members of B.C.’s club marked the bittersweet occasion of putting their going concern to rest with a cake that was decorated with a small straight key and the words “What Hath God Wrought.”

It’s a phrase from Numbers 23:23 in the Bible and was the first message Morse dispatched, on May 24, 1844, witnessed by the U.S. Congress and sent from Washington D.C. to a railroad station in Baltimore, Maryland.

The 21 people present at Surrey’s luncheon and final meeting — those 10 remaining members who could make it, some of them accompanied by their adult children — sat solemn as retired Lutheran pastor Alfred Johnson, 92, tapped out grace on a straight key, thanking God, by way of dots and dashes, and beepity-beeps, “for the privilege we had to be part of this wonderful system of communication which the Morse Code has been.”

Johnson worked as a telegrapher while attending seminary and raising two children. He started his career as a Morse telegrapher in 1944, as an assistant station agent with the Northern Alberta Railways in Hythe, Alberta at age 18.

After lunch, the club’s final business was done, finances were sorted out, and members decided to donate the remaining $78.28 in the kitty to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

VE7WWW receives Outstanding Service Award

Bill Foster, VE7WWW, received an Outstanding Service Award from Emergency Management BC for his many years of service to the Provincial Emergency Radio Communications Service (PERCS).  Regional Manager Mike Knauff from the EMBC Central Region office presented the award to Bill on February 8, 2018.

The plaque reads:

With deepest appreciation for 14 years of exceptional performance and tireless dedication to emergency radio communications, and in recognition of the thousands of hours of volunteer service you have selflessly provided to the Province of British Columbia and the Provincial Emergency Radio Communications Service.

Bill has been an key volunteer in the Central Region radio room, supporting exercises and activations over the past 14 years in Kamloops.


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