Hi everyone!
Field Day 2020 is coming up this next wekend, June 27th-28th. As this year is truly unique, so too are the Field Day rules. Normally, Field Day is one of the largest public demonstrations of ham radio, as many clubs organize their participation in public places such as parks and schools. With restrictions in most places relating to size of gatherings, social distancing, etc., the ARRL has changed a couple of rules so that everone can maintain appropriate safe distancing, but still make Field Day an event.
I would encourage anyone who is considering Field Day this year to check out the rule modifications.
There has not been a large gathering event organized at the KARC this year. However, there will be several members participating in Field Day - here are their plans:
Myles Bruns VE7FSR plans on spending time up at Lolo (weather permitting) and will be giving demonstrations to anyone who comes by. He plans to work approximately noon Saturday to noon Sunday.
Jim Akeson VE7VCJ has some plans with a scout troop and some other individuals interested in a Field Day demo, which I believe he will be hosting at Lac Le Jeune. Unfortunately, Jim's plans have been cancelled.
Myself, VA7AQD, I will be doing a live streaming + video conference at https://bbb1.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf which will be open to the public during Field Day operation. I will be pleased to discuss aspects of the hobby, Field Day operation, FT8, RTTY, PSK31, phone operation or anything else anyone has questions on. Feel free to come hang out at any point! I believe I will be working the noon to noon window as well.
Bill Erlenbach, VE7EAF, plans to operate, but I don't believe is doing a public demonstration. I hope he'll join the video chat at some point!
More details will be posted soon about expected times and more specific locations.
If you have any plans yourself for Field Day and are a club member, please be sure to read over the adjusted Field Day rules and plan to submit your log with "Kamloops Amateur Radio Club" set as the club in the log.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach us at karc@karc.ca
Stay tuned for more details!
(Last Updated Thurs. June 25 @ 9:44pm)