Welcome to the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club Website!

Please click on any of the top club links at the top of the page, or more informational links on the side. News is immediately below.

2024 BC QSO Party -- the results!






The 2024 BC QSO Party was held on February 3-4 and members of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club participated from the Winter Field Day barn on the farm of Peter, VE7DNZ.  We had a smaller turnout for the BC QSO Party, with Jim VE7HS (thanks to Faye for the awesome baked goodies!) and Myles VE7FSR setting up on Friday night and working the contest through to Sunday afternoon.  Jim camped outside in his truck camper, and Myles slept in the barn on one of the cots.  Ralph VA7VZA, Peter VE7DNZ, and Bob VA7BKN also helped in the contest.

We had two IC-7300 HF stations (thank you to Ralph VA7VZA and Jim VE7HS for the use of your radios) and a VHF station (used to talk people into the site).  We ran everything from "alternative power" which was provided by a Honda EU2000i generator and a LiFePO4 100Ah battery.  We had a little excitement on Saturday morning while getting the contest station ready -- when Myles was plugging loads in there was a very loud "pop!" from the Astron power supply and we could smell the magic smoke leaking out of something.  Weirdly enough, the power supply kept working so we weren't sure what had happened!?  After the contest Myles took the Astron apart and determined that the MCR225 IC that is part of the crowbar circuit had exploded, cracking the plastic case and blowing off one leg of the three-terminal TO-220 package!

For HF antennas we used an 80M Carolina Windom (80-10M), a 20-15-10M EFHW vertical, and a 40/80M NVIS.  We also cobbled together a 160M EFHW using poly electric fence wire that we installed as an "inverted L" using the 35-foot mast as the vertical element, and the rest went over to a tall tree.  It was the first time we used a 160M antenna in a contest and we were able to log 9 contacts in the contest between 19:45 and 20:00 hours with stations in BC, Alberta and Oregon.

Similar to when we operated during the Winter Field Day we had a big screen TV running HamClock (thanks, Elwood!) so we could get live MUF information to help us plan which bands would give us the best results.

Internet for the contest stations and HamClock was provided by Myles, VE7FSR using a cellular modem in his Jeep which created a WiFi hotspot for the contest site.  Having internet enabled us to get live cluster information so we could monitor spots and see which bands were most active.

Winter Field Day 2024 -- the results!

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club participated in Winter Field Day for our second year on January 27-28, 2024. 

We used the club callsign VE7UT and were active on phone and Winlink.  We had two IC-7300 HF stations (thank you to Ralph VA7VZA and Iain VE7IET for the use of your radios) and a VHF station (used to talk people into the WFD site).  We ran everything from "alternative power" which was provided by a Honda EU2000i generator and a LiFePO4 100Ah battery.  For HF antennas we used an 80M Carolina Windom (80-10M), a 20-15-10M EFHW vertical, and a 40/80M NVIS.

Similar to when we operated during the RAC Winter Contest we had a big screen TV running HamClock (thanks, Elwood!) so we could get live MUF information to help us plan which bands would give us the best results.

Internet for the contest stations and HamClock was provided by Myles, VE7FSR using a cellular modem in his Jeep which created a WiFi hotspot for the contest site.  Having internet enabled us to get live cluster information so we could monitor spots and see which bands were most active.  It also allowed us to make Winlink connections via Telnet (as well as by the more traditional HF gateways).

We had a great turnout, with Jim VE7HS (thanks to Faye for the awesome baked goodies!), Ralph VA7VZA (thanks to Ralph for the fantastic chili!), Iain VE7IET (thanks for the great corn bread!), Dave VE7LTW (thanks for the donuts!), Shane VE7JFF, Bob VA7BKN, and Jason VA7HAB (thanks for BOTH boxes of donuts!).

We made 274 contacts, including sending multiple Winlink messages using several British Columbia HF Winlink gateways as well as via Telnet.  The WFD site was broadcast on APRS, and we were also able to use APRS to pass short messages.  The three HF antennas allowed us to make HF contacts on bands ranging from 10M to 80M, and over distances near to far, which proved out our concept of setting up antennas that had low angle as well as NVIS radiation.  Regardless of the band conditions or time of day, we were able to make contacts and exchange information.

We took a lot of photos, and you can see them here:  https://karc.ca/node/768

2024 BC QSO Party this weekend!







Next British Columbia QSO Party: February 3-4, 2024

February 3, local time, 8am to 8pm AND February 4, local time, 8am to 4pm

(That’s UTC 1600z Feb 3 to 0359z Feb 4, and 1600z to 2359z Feb 4)


The Club will be operating from the Winter Field Day barn on the ranch of Peter, VE7DNZ.  We will be operating VE7UT as a "Multi-Operator, All Bands, Low Power" station.

See the Winter Field Day story for directions on how to get to the barn, and where you can park.


Next Meeting February 1 at 7PM

The next monthly meeting will be held on Thursday February 1 at 7PM.  We will be doing a debrief on the 2024 Winter Field Day exercise, planning for the BC QSO Party Contest, and having a presentation and discussion on "Understanding VHF Propagation".

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person (we will have donuts and apple fritters!).

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.

KARC Winter Field Day 2024













KARC Winter Field Day
January 27-28, 2024

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will be participating in Winter Field Day 2024, on January 27-28Setup will start at 1400 PST on Friday, January 26, and Winter Field Day will begin at 1100 PST on Saturday, January 27 and conclude at 1059 hours on Sunday, January 28.

If you are interested in participating please contact Myles in advance so we know how many to expect.  Dinner will be provided on Saturday evening (chili, corn bread, etc.) so please confirm your participation by January 19 so we know how many to cook for.

We will be operating using the club callsign VE7UT as 2 Outdoor BC, on CW, phone and digital modes.  We will have two IC-7300 HF stations, and will be operating on alternative power (generator and battery), using three HF antennas (Carolina Windom, 20M EFHW, and a 40/80M NVIS).  You are most welcome to bring your own HF radio and plug into one of our antennas.

We will be using the old homesteader building (aka the "barn") again this year which is located about 700 metres from the parking area on Mannings Road.  As long as we don't get too much snow we should be able to park adjacent to the "barn".  Be forewarned, the trail from Mannings Road to the barn is suitable for high-clearance SUV/CUVs or trucks/4x4s -- if in doubt park at the end of Mannings Rd and one of us will drive out to give you a ride to the barn.

For those interested, there is lots of room for winter camping adjacent to the "barn", and there are two cots if you want to sleep inside.  You will need to bring your own camp chair and whatever else you need to keep yourself warm and well fed.  There will be a Coleman 2-burner stove for cooking (bring your own cooking accoutrements), and a kettle on the woodstove for coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.

Bathroom facilities will be "primitive" so please be forewarned!

A Google Earth KMZ file is attached showing the location of the barn, as well as a KMZ file showing where you can park.

Here is a link to Google Maps that you can use to help you navigate from the Knutsford Community Hall to the turn off from Mannings Road.  https://goo.gl/maps/JU2nxVxyJNDHnT9N8 

PLEASE DO NOT let Google Maps take you directly to Jackson Road off of Hwy 5A!  PART OF THAT ROAD IS NOT MAINTAINED IN THE WINTER!

We will be monitoring 147.320+ (the VE7RLO repeater) so if you need directions to the site or a shuttle in from the parking area please call "CQ VE7UT".  We will also be broadcasting the Winter Field Day location on APRS so please see VE7UT on aprs.fi!

Next Meeting January 4 @ 7PM





The next monthly meeting will be held on January 4 at 7PM.  We will be doing a debrief on the 2023 RAC Winter Contest, and planning for the upcoming 2024 Winter Field Day exercise. 

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person (we will have donuts and apple fritters!).

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.

RAC Winter Contest 2023














UPDATE DEC 30 -- Myles VE7FSR was up early (4AM!) and got the generator refilled and the shack back in operation.  Shortly after Iain VE7IET got up, followed by Dave VA7DRS.  The bands have been up and down this morning, but we're plugging away and logging the contacts.  It was a beautiful evening last night, stars and a bright moon, and not too cold for tent camping.  We've uploaded a bunch of photos to the album, so check those out to see what things are like up at the barn.

UPDATE DEC 29 -- VE7UT is live and active on the HF bands!  We had an awesome turnout today, with Myles VE7FSR, Ralph VA7VZA, Iain VE7IET, Peter VE7DNZ, Dave VE7LTW, Simon VE7RIZ, and Austin VE7QH.  Dave VA7DRS, Mike VE7KPZ and Jane VE7WWJ came all the way from Vernon.  Ralph and Rita (XYL) made a batch of awesome chili which was enjoyed by everyone, and Dave VE7LTW brought fresh donuts from Tim Hortons.  Band conditions were great until about 8PM when things started to slow down.  Simon and Iain were diehards and continued to work despite challenging band conditions.

UPDATE DEC 28 -- We are almost ready for the RAC Winter Contest!  Some of us will start arriving at the barn around noon on Friday to hook up the coax for the EFHW antenna and get the fire going in the wood stove.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!

UPDATE DEC 17 -- Thank you to Ralph, Iain, and Shane who helped set up the antennas (see image below) this weekend.

The Kamloops Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the 2023 RAC Winter Contest, starting at 1600 PST on Friday, December 29, and finishing at 1600 on Saturday, December 30, using the club callsign VE7UT on CW and phone.  We will be hosting the contest at the Winter Field Day barn on the farm of Peter, VE7DNZ

There are two cots in the barn (bring your own foamie and sleeping bag) and lots of space for outside camping.  Please bring your own chair, and we will have hot chili and corn bread for dinner on Friday night (thank you to Rita and Ralph). There will be a Coleman stove for cooking (bring your own cooking accoutrements), and a kettle on the woodstove for coffee, tea and hot chocolate.  We made some improvements since last year, so it will be warmer and brighter in the barn.

Here are some photos of the site and the crew getting things ready for the event.  https://karc.ca/node/763

A Google Earth KMZ file is attached showing the location of the barn.  Here is a link to Google Maps that you can use to help you navigate from the Knutsford Community Hall to the parking spot on Mannings Road.  https://goo.gl/maps/JU2nxVxyJNDHnT9N8  If the weather stays mild we should be able to drive right to the barn.

We will be monitoring 147.320+ (the VE7RLO repeater) and 146.520 so if you need directions to the site or a shuttle in from the parking area please call "CQ VE7UT".  We will also be broadcasting the RAC Winter Contest location on APRS, look for VE7UT on aprs.fi!

You don't have to be a KARC member to join us, all hams and visitors are more than welcome.  We look forward to seeing you there!

PS. Bathroom facilities will be "primitive" so please be forewarned!

KARC 2023 Christmas Party will be held on December 8

The 2023 KARC Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 8 at Kirsten's Hideout Cafe at 1390 Columbia Street (the same place we have the weekly breakfast on Saturday mornings). Kirsten is going to prepare a fantastic turkey dinner with all the fixings and dessert just like we had last year.

It all starts at 18:00, (02:00 UTC) on December 8, with dinner being served at 18:30.

Tickets are $35 per plate, including taxes and gratuity. Tickets are available from Ralph Adams VA7VZA at 250-319-5925.

Please RSVP as soon as you can so we can confirm numbers to Kirsten sooner rather than later.

Any questions contact please me directly. Similarly, if you or any guests need a ride, please let me know.


Ralph VA7VZA

Reminder: Next KARC meeting is Thursday, November 2 at 7PM






The next club meeting will be held on November 2 at 7PM.

Our next guest speaker will be Keith Witney, VE7KW, who will be presenting on DX’ing.  Keith is a member of the RAC Board of Directors and is the British Columbia and Yukon Region Director.  Keith is an accomplished DX’er and contester, and he was the co-recipient of the RAC Amateur of the Year Award for 2017.

Keith is going to define the term “DX” and give us a brief introduction to DXing.  He will explain how various DX operators work (casual operators through to big expeditions), and what is expected of both the DX operator and the “clients” (client = you!).

Keith will provide tips on how and where to find DX stations, when to attempt to contact DX stations, how to best attempt the contact, and how to know if you have been successful (awards, certificates, QSLs, and LOTW).

Keith uses some neat (and free!) software tools that can help the new and experienced DXer make more contacts and he will demonstrate those to us this week.  Learn about the differences between SSB, digital, and CW operations.  FT8 has been a game changer for the little guy but still requires some “expertise”, and Keith will help you learn how to improve your FT8 game.

Keith will help us learn about operating split with VFO A and VFO B, or at a more advanced level, using a sub receiver to monitor both the DX operator and the pileup. He will offer tips on the use of a panadaptor display to find where the DX is listening when operating split.

Learn how to improve your home station – it doesn’t always cost a lot, and there are lots of tricks and tips to help you improve your signal and that of the DX station.

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person (we will have donuts and apple fritters!).

Reminder: Next KARC meeting is Thursday, October 5 at 7PM






The next club meeting will be held on October 5 at 7PM.

We will be featuring a demonstration of HamClock running on a Raspberry Pi 4.  This is a very affordable alternative to the Geochron 4K, and HamClock has a number of cool features that the Geochron does not!  If you have a spare flatscreen TV or computer monitor with an HDMI input you can build a very cool display for your hamshack.

This will be hybrid meeting, but you are encouraged to join us in person if you can because the HamClock demonstration will only be visible in person (sorry!).

For those who can only join online, please use this link: https://bbb.isurf.ca/b/ada-jnt-mkf

Please note that annual membership fees were due in September, so if you haven't already renewed please remember to bring your cheque  book or cash for Jordan.  I have attached the 2023/2024 membership form so please fill it out and bring it with you, or you may email the form to Jordan at jordan.mohle@gmail.com -- membership fees may also be paid by e-transfer to Jordan.

To join the meeting in person please meet outside the lobby of the Victoria Building at 210 Victoria Street.  The KARC meeting will be held in the offices of the Province of BC on the 5th Floor. This is a controlled access building so please try to be there by 6:50pm so we can start the meeting promptly on time at 7pm.  Please wait outside until someone comes to open the door.  You may also call (250) 318-5150 to let us know you are downstairs waiting.


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